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奕虎科技股份有限公司|Ehooray|Monter Night|百鬼|百鬼之夜
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The eHooray team formed in January of 2012. Our team consists of a group of veteran game developers in Taiwan with over 12 years of industry experience. Because of our passion to create the best quality games, we left our former big game companies and formed our own mobile game company: eHooray Co., Ltd. Currently, we are concentrated on making game apps that run on mobile devi...
eHooray Team works hard ... 2017-01-25
eHooray Team works hard to develop for Bandai Namco with their famous IP: Galaga. The Galaga: Revenge (temporary name) Mobile Game will be ready on Spring 2017!!
KamiWars will be publish... 2015-07-09
KamiWars did well in Taipei Game Show 2015, We aim to get ready to launch at Q4 this year.
Galaga Serie...